Tag Archives: Grid Computing

“Sacrifice Topics ” Grid Computing

16 Nov

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

النهارده هنتكلم عن نوع من أنواع  النظم الموزعة وهو

Grid Computing

Enable the sharing, selection, and aggregation of a wide variety of geographically distributed computational resources (such as supercomputers, compute clusters, storage systems) and presents them as a single, unified resource for solving large-scale compute and data intensive computing applications .

تعريفى انا بقى : ببساطة هى عبارة عن طبعا وأكيد

يجعل  الاجهزة متصلة ببعضها البعض  علشان اقدر أعمل  Distributed System

Sharing For (Storage Devices – Data Source)

يعنى ببساطة كمان لو عندى على الاجهزة المتصلة على بعضها دى واحد شغال شغل محتاج فيه امكانيات عالية شوية زى كارت شاشة عالى ورامات  وبروسيسور وكده  وواحد تانى شغال ومش محتاج الحاجات دى كلها زى الناس بتوع الشات فقط لا غير يجيب الكمبيوتر امكانيات خرافية وتلاقيه شات فقط ماعلينا واللى مش محتاج الأمكانيات دى هى اللى عنده

أخونا ده بقى اللى محتاج يموت نفسه أكيد لا … هو طبعا فى نظام


يبدأ النظام عندى يستغل الامكانيات الموجوده على أحد الاجهزة ويوظفها فى خدمة الجهاز اللى محتاج هذه الامكانيات على قد احتياجاته وهكذا

طبعا مش شرط انه يحتاج رامات وبروسيسور  وكده

ممكن يحتاج وحده تخزينية  يخزن عليها الداتا

ومن أمثلة او تطبيقات

Grid Computing >>>>> ” Cluster Computing

Then We Can Define  “Cluster Computer ” ?

is a group of  linked computers, working together closely thus in many respects forming a single computer. The components of a cluster are commonly, but not always, connected to each other through fast local area networks. Clusters are usually deployed to improve performance and availability over that of a single computer, while typically being much more cost-effective than single computers of comparable speed or availability. Wiki

Advantages  For Grid Computing

  • Can solve larger, more complex problems  in a shorter time
  • Easier to collaborate with other organizations
  • Make better use of existing hardware

Disadvantages For Grid Computing

  • Grid software and standards are still evolving
  • Learning curve to get started
  • Non-interactive job submission

Cloud Computing       VS         Grid Computing

طيب احنا اتكلمنا عن الحوسبة السحايبة وعن الحوسبة الشبكية

طيب ممكن حد يسأل سؤال هل فى فرق بين الاتنين ؟ طيب لو فى فرق يبقى هو ايه ؟ وامتى استخدم ده او ده ؟

تعالوا نجاوب على الاسئلة دى لو جاوبنا وفهمنا اكيد بإذن رب العالمين نكون فهمنا المفهوم لده ولده



Cloud Computing :

Cloud Computing” Cloud computing refers to the computing on the ‘network cloud’, in fact in real terms, the ‘internet cloud’” .

” is internet based computing where your hard disk is nothing but the whole ‘Internet cloud’.”

يعنى مش محتاج اى وحده تخزينية عندى انا كل اللى محتاجة

Input && output && Internet Connection

Grid Computing:

Grid Computingis the collaboration of multiple administrative computer domains to achieve a common aim. It can be thought of as a ‘virtual super computer’, which is actually a network of loosely coupled ordinary computers sharing their resources and processors to solve a mammoth problem.

يعنى من الاخر شوية أجهزة متصلة ببعضها بتعمل

Sharing For Resources >>>> ” Parallel Processing”.

important to note that each participating computer in the grid computing is a fully fledged ordinary computer just like your PC.


When Cloud?

Cloud computing offers a way of computing where you need not own much physical infrastructure; you can use the services on rent or subscription basis by the third party providers. Thus you need to pay only for what you use. From small software applications to the online operating systems and processing services, everything is available on the cloud at nominal rates either on subscription or utility basis, with little or no upfront payment! Thus cloud computing aims to provide a cost effective and low storage overhead way of computing.

When Grid?

The grid computing system uses ‘middleware’ between the software and hardware to provide an abstract view to the user by hiding the underlying heterogeneous nodes involved.

تمام اوى اوى  كده

أقرأ بقى دى علشان تفهم اوى أمتى ده وامتى ده

To meet the storage needs of the future is an area of concern for the computer researchers and cloud computing seems to be the only viable solution at the moment. Cloud computing reduces the storage requirements to a huge extent as there is no need to keep the same data/resource on every personal hard disk, rather only a few copies of that resource are sufficient on the cloud . Grid computing is an easy and economical way of achieving the processing capabilities of a super-computer. The problem of security is also a concern as some nodes may turn out to be malicious and there is no central control over things. This problem becomes trivial if one performs frequent tests by sending the same set of sub problems to random nodes to verify that they give the same results. If they do not then one or both of them might be playing on the system.
انا كده خلصت أكيد الحمد لله كده
عرفنا يعنى ايه
Cloud Computing  &  Grid Computing
ملحوظة الوردبريس رخم اوى لما تكتب كلام عربى بجوار كلام انجليزى لذلك اضطر اسفا انى انزل سطر زى منتوا شايفين
يارب أكون قدرت اوصل ليكوا معلومة وانتا موجود لاى حد مش فاهم اى جزئية
يلا انتظروا الدرس القادم وهو هيكون عن
Virtualization Technology.